Wednesday 27 June 2012

Waiting for the rain

The above hydrograph shows a small runoff event on June 20, when about 20-30mm of rain fell over the catchment (maximum intensity 8mm/h at both Miomote and Takane Amedas stations). The big rains of the season are yet to arrive. Sometimes they come right at the end of June, or during the first two weeks of July.

27 June, stage = 47.5cm (exactly the same as on 13 June)

Amedas precipitation gauge at Miomote. This gauge has a heated jacket system to measure both winter snow and rain. It is also set high at 3.5m above ground level to be clear of the winter snowpack.

Miomote River just below Miomote Dam

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Early summer low flows

The hydrograph above shows falling low flows. The last diurnal snowmelt pattern is just visible initially, but this disappears as the snowpack finally melts away. We enter a period of dry sunny weather when river levels become low before the arrival of the rainy season storms.

13 June, stage = 47.5cm, snowmelt season is over